Copywriting Samples
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BSI Management Systems America, Inc.
Project Type:
Article, Technical Writing
Project Details:
I was hired to write a 1600-2000 word article on the importance of developing an information security management system and implementing ISO/IEC 27001, the standard for information security protection.
Sample Copy:
Securing Important Data – A Look into Implementing ISO/IEC 27001
With security breaches on the rise, protecting your organization's confidential and valuable information assets is one of the most important safety measures your organization can take. The issues surrounding information security involve more than just hackers and malicious software; they can involve employees, computer theft, and trespassing. Safeguarding information in the twenty-first century requires a thorough hardening of security processes, procedures, and stated policies that are based on internationally-accepted best practices to improve information security defenses and to meet legal, contractual, and regulatory requirements.