4 Keys to Building a Writer's Platform

4 Keys to Building a Writer’s Platform

4 Keys to Building a Writer's Platform
Image by Kathleen Donovan / via Flickr

4 Keys to Building a Writer's Platform

While you're waiting for your books to bring in the dough so you can quit your day job, it's a great idea to start building your writer's platform.

With the age of the Internet, building a platform is super easy. We can do it in the comfort of our own homes, in our pajamas and slippers, or out on the porch with a cup of coffee. We don't have to go out in the world and worry about talking too much or talking too little, or getting exhausted by being around so many people.

Social media tools like Twitter and Facebook make it possible to build your platform and actually reach prospective readers you may never have had access to otherwise. Through social media, the people who like you will help spread the word about your books.

Here are four keys to building a writer's platform…

1. Create a presence.

Just being there and communicating with others (even if it seems like you're just talking to yourself) will give you a leg up from writers who aren't using social media.

Get to know other writers and develop online friendships with them. Help each other out by offering encouragement and positivity to keep on toward your writing goals. Creating bonds with those writers opens new doors.

2. Get current readers to spread the word and talk about you (in a good way).

Word of mouth advertising is still the best form of advertising there is. People appreciate that other readers enjoy your work. When they talk about you and your books, they're spreading the word and letting more and more people know about you. The more people who know about you (and are kept informed about you), the better.

3. Respond to readers.

While simply being there is good, communicating with your readers is much better. Loyal readers look up to you. When you respond to their comments, they feel special, like important members in your writing career, and they will feel more confident in recommending you to their friends.

Just think what it would be like to recommend someone who doesn't give you the time of day… would you continue to recommend that person? Probably not. Eventually, you'd lose your enthusiasm for that person and stop recommending him.

4. Retweet and comment on helpful info.

Providing other writers with helpful information and stories about some of the challenges you have faced during your writing career lets them know that even successful writers have troubles.

Of course we all know you have troubles, but hearing it from you makes it real and we get to know you better. We feel a greater connection with you because we can see you as one of us rather than just a special celebrity we put up on a pedestal (there is absolutely nothing wrong with pedestals!).

Are you ready to build your writer's platform?

Jody Calkins
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