
One Big Key to Building Readership On Your Blog

Building Readership On Your Blog

One Big Key to Building Your Readership On Your Blog

One big key in building relationships with people is consistency. This is true whether you are making a new friend from your church or getting to know someone on social media. If people only see you show up every once in a while and if all you want to do is tell them about a new product or service, you'll have a hard time getting them to come to know, like, and trust you. And those are big keys in building a successful business.

The same goes for your blog.

If you only blog once every few weeks or once every six months, your followers won't know you well enough to take your desired action. They might not even keep reading your stuff.

Consistency is key to gaining a loyal group of readers for your blog.

So, how often should you blog?

Given that a website gets better Alexa and Google rankings when it is updated regularly, it's a good idea to blog on a consistent and frequent basis. The experts say to blog at least twice a week. This will improve your Alexa scores, your ranking with the search engines, and the amount of traffic on your site.

It also allows you to get traffic organically. When you focus on writing regularly and writing for people, you don't have to stress out about the keywords. Yes, keywords are still important, but keyword stuffing is a huge no-no. I talked about that a couple weeks ago.

Google wants you to write for people, not for crawlers and robots. If you get too obnoxious with keywords, they can blacklist you. We don't want that.

So, decide how often you're going to blog and then stick to the plan. I recommend starting small. It's easy to get overly ambitious, decide to write an article three times a week or every day, and then get burned out after a couple days. Blogging can feel like a chore if you're trying to do too much.

Another big key is to stick to your blog schedule. If you get ambitious and write five articles, save them for later. Continue to write regularly and publish the articles during your scheduled blog time (trust me, it will help keep your stress levels in check). Once you have a few months of consistency under your belt, then consider increasing your schedule. When I started blogging again after a long break, I started out writing an article once a week for a month or two. Then I picked it back up to twice a week.

Writing for your blog can be a big task, but taking it slow and staying levelheaded will help you stick with it for the long haul and keep you building readership on your blog.

With love,

Jody Calkins

Jody Calkins








Top Photo Credit: runrunrun
Jody Calkins
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