3 Ways to Boost Your Copywriting Skills & Write Great Copy

3 Ways to Boost Your Copywriting Skills & Write Great Copy

3 Ways to Boost Your Copywriting Skills & Write Great Copy
Photo by Deb Collins

3 Ways to Boost Your Copywriting Skills & Write Great Copy

Are you struggling to come up with copy that can seal the deal? Need a little extra oomph in your copy to get the job done?

Copywriting is an art. It takes practice, study, and work. If you feel your copywriting skills could use a little improvement, here are some ways that will help.

Read Books on Copywriting

The first thing a person should do when learning a skill is to read books about it. Read everything you can get your hands on. Read books by Bob Bly, Peter Bowerman, Ed Gandia, Steve Slaunwhite, and Joe Vitale.

Even if you are a veteran in your field, reading books is a great way to refresh your memory of techniques you have forgotten and to strengthen your knowledge in writing copy that sells.

Swipe Files from the Experts

An effective way to learn how to write copy that sells is to study the world’s best copywriters. Study the words they use, feel the rhythm of their copy, break it down into an outline, and evaluate how everything comes together.

Copywriting is all about using copy that will get the reader to take a desired action. Creativity isn’t necessarily required when it comes to writing copy, so a beginner doesn’t need to wrack his brain to think of the next best way to convey information. Simply use a swipe file as a template to get you started, then make it your own. Put your own spin on the words.

Study Your Target Audience

Readers want to know that you have their best interests at heart. That you understand what they’re going through and what they need to solve their urgent problems. Get to know your audience. Figure out what words they’re using and understand how they feel about the problems they’re experiencing. What makes them tick? What keeps them up at night?

Once you know these things, incorporate them into your copy. Use the words they use, address their concerns, and let them know that you have solutions.

Doing these three activities and practicing what you’ve learned will boost your copywriting skills in no time!

Jody Calkins
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