How to Find Time to Write During the Busy Christmas Season

How to Find Time to Write During the Busy Christmas Season

How to Find Time to Write During the Busy Christmas Season
Photo by Katherine McAdoo

How to Find Time to Write During the Busy Christmas Season

The Christmas season can get a little busy. What, with all of the gift shopping, gift wrapping, parties, and baking, one can find it hard to find time to write. Today's article talks about how you can find time to write even during the busiest time of the year.

It doesn't have to be perfect.

As much as you want to give that perfect gift, is it really necessary? How often have you detected even the slightest disappointment at the gifts you've given in the past? I bet there were some people who weren't as excited as you wanted them to be about that perfect gift you spent time trying to find.

So, if you search high and low for just the right gift for the niece who has it all, keep in mind that she might not like it anyway. Christmas isn't even about gifts; it's about celebrating Jesus and his birth. Get a good gift, one you think the person will like, and call it good. Get it done and focus on your writing time.

Get more efficient.

Get your shopping and gift wrapping done as soon as possible. That way you don't have it nagging you for the rest of the week. It's done and you can forget it so you can focus on your writing work. Just don't forget to take the packages to the party.

Cut the parties short.

I come from a family who does Christmas all day long. We go to Grandma's, have lunch, sit on the couch for the rest of the afternoon, eat dinner, open presents, and then sing Christmas carols for the rest of the evening. It was pretty much the same for the other side of the family, only we didn't sing.

Now that I'm married and I have a family of my own (husband, three cats, and one dog), I don't have that kind of time. I can't devote a whole day for each of our four get-togethers. That would eat up our entire holiday break. Besides, I'm an introvert; I need that time to myself.

Cutting the party short can seem a little rude, but if you can attend multiple parties in one day, you have a better chance of getting some writing time in during the other part of your holiday break.

Following the path to our writing goals does mean making some sacrifices. After all, we won't reach our goals if we don't focus on our writing. Just remember to take a break from your writing so you can relax and enjoy the time you spend with family.

Merry Christmas & Happy Writing!

Jody Calkins
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