Procrastination - Ways Writers Work Too Hard Series Part 3

Procrastination – Ways Writers Work Too Hard Series Part 3

Procrastination - Ways Writers Work Too Hard Series Part 3
Photo by Jody Calkins

Procrastination – Ways Writers Work Too Hard Series Part 3

Procrastination comes in many forms. Some writers take naps, others gaze out office windows. Anything to avoid doing the task at hand.

It's so common that everyone does it, but did you realize that procrastination causes you more stress?

The act of procrastinating means that a certain task isn't getting done. How do you feel when tasks don't get done? Maybe irritated, frustrated, even angry. It opens the door for you to dwell on the fact that you still haven't ________ [fill in the blank].

It has happened to me quite a bit, and it always causes me more stress because those things I want to do get left undone. This in turn results in a massive heap of "to-dos" that we talked about last time. I become overwhelmed and enter a state of near-despair just thinking about all the things I want or need to do.

When we're limited on time, we really need to focus on what we want to accomplish and work at avoiding procrastination. We also need to seriously consider what is causing us to procrastinate in the first place. What is holding you back? Why do you do the easy things instead of the things you are passionate about? Where is your motivation and ambition? Why are you letting it get in the way of your writing goals?

One of the reasons for lack of motivation may be not getting enough rest. Feeling well rested will help you stay focused on your writing work. If we try to write in the evenings when we feel tired, eventually we'll discover that we need to take a break and get more sleep before we can be productive again. Coffee might work for the short-term, but can have a negative long-term effect on our work.

This week, consider the above questions. Journal about them. And when you are ready to commit to your writing goals, check out a quick tip that will help you get started.

Did you miss Part 2 – Inactivity In Writing?

Up next: Part 4 – Dwelling

Jody Calkins
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