The Importance of Being Succinct in Your Business Communications

People are busy. They wear many hats and they don't have time to waste. When they read articles, e-mail, or any other business communication, they want to obtain quickly and easily the information they need to move forward. They can't (and won't) spend time reading text that doesn't give them value.

In business, your writing must be succinct, clear, and valuable. Before submitting your article or pushing that send button, ask yourself these questions:

  • Did I leave out unnecessary words?
  • Is my message quick and to the point?
  • Does my message make sense?
  • Have I given my reader action steps or input?
  • Is my writing clear of mistakes (i.e., typos, misspellings, improprieties)?

When your article, blog post, or e-mail is succinct, your readers can obtain the information they need quickly and easily. Add valuable content that is worded carefully and you have the key to getting your readers to take action.
About the Author: Jody Calkins is a copywriter who helps her clients communicate effectively to their customers and prospects through articles, case studies, newsletters, and reports. For more information, please visit
Jody Calkins
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