Why I Continue to Use Young Living Essential Oils Every Day

Why I Continue to Use Young Living Essential Oils Every Day

Why I Continue to Use Young Living Essential Oils Every Day
Photo by Young Living

Why I Continue to Use Young Living Essential Oils Every Day

My Young Living journey began after spending five long hours in the emergency room with severe dehydration. Late at night on New Year's Day. Great way to ring in the new year, right?

Thanks to a bad case of the stomach flu, I couldn't keep anything down. From about five in the morning to past eight at night, I was sick. And every time I tried to drink water, it would come right back up. That night, it was after 8 PM and I didn't know how much longer I could go without water and I was looking pretty bad – eyes had sunken in and I felt miserable. So, I had my husband take me to the ER. Well, that little stint in the ER cost me $1500. Never again if I can help it!

That was in 2013. I've been with Young Living ever since.

It's been my goal since that night to stay as healthy as I can, to prevent colds and illnesses, and when I do get sick, to make sure it doesn't last. The last time I was sick was in November 2015 and even then it was just a mild scratchy throat. It didn't last longer than a day or two.

Prior to using Young Living essential oils, every time I got sick with the common cold, I'd end up with laryngitis. Since using the oils, I've been able to stop a cold in its tracks and avoid laryngitis completely. Maybe that's a coincidence, but I don't think so.

I use the essential oils for a number of different things throughout the day, including stress management, hormone balance, and healthy skin. I also add them to my water every day to help me drink my target amount (I really dislike plain water). Throughout the day, I'll diffuse a variety of oils. And I'll also add a few drops of an oil to my vacuum cleaner bags when I vacuum. During the summer when the mosquitoes are out, I'll hose myself down with a homemade bug spray. And for a good night's sleep, I'll spray our pillows with my Lavender mix before bed.

I use oils in several different ways:

  • applied neat (directly to the skin – only for select oils);
  • diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the skin;
  • diffused;
  • and added to water.

I have not experimented with adding oils in cooking yet, but that's another option.

The Young Living Thieves line is pretty awesome. I use just about every product in this line! Products include the hand soap and hand sanitizer, household cleaner and the Thieves spray, the AromaBright toothpaste and dental floss, the cough drops, and the fruit and vegetable wash.

Other products that I use include the Lavender hand soap, lotion, and lip balm, Orange Blossom Botanical Face Wash, Satin Facial Scrub, V-6 (the lightweight oil that can be used as a carrier oil), and NingXia Red. I drink NingXia Red every day, and I send my pilot hubby with the NingXia Red singles packets when he heads out on a trip.

Back in 2007 and 2008, when Harold flew before, he was sick all the time. He seemed to catch whatever bug anyone on the plane or in the airport had. And one time it was so bad he even asked me to take him to urgent care. Now that he's been back in the airlines this past year, I'm happy to report that he has not been sick (I'm crossing my fingers that it stays that way!). He has had a mild scratchy throat a few times, but he's been able to get rid of it quickly. I can only attribute this to a better diet and a better immune system this time around.

Am I likely to stop using these products? Nope. I've gained so many benefits from these oils over the last four years, and I love them too much to stop!

If you're interested in more info about Young Living, send me an email and I'll do my best to help.

Before you order, there are some things you should know – check them out here.

And if you're ready to get started, register here.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.​

Jody Calkins
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