For Writers: How to Use Newsletters to Build Relationships With Readers

For Writers: How to Use Newsletters to Build Relationships With Readers

For Writers: How to Use Newsletters to Build Relationships With Readers
Photo by Artistlike / via Pixabay

For Writers: How to Use Newsletters to Build Relationships With Readers

Are you a writer looking to build your author platform? Ready to grow a fan base and start connecting with your readers? As you know, if you're a novelist marketing your books, you're in business to sell a product and your goal is to gain loyal readers and prospective readers. A newsletter is a great way to help you achieve this goal.

What is a newsletter?

A newsletter is an effective way to validate your existence as an author and to build reader and prospective reader confidence in your writing skills and stories.

It's like an official stamp that says, "Hey, I'm still here plugging away at writing great stories for you to read."

Regular newsletters help you develop relationships with readers and prospective fans and it's a way to get you in front of them on a regular basis.

The saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind."

And it's true. If it's been a month or longer since they last heard from you, there's a good chance they've forgotten about you, and when they’re looking for a new book to read, they may very well not think of you. That's not good for your writing business. You need readers to think of you (in a good way) every time they need a new read that you can offer them. People are forgetful; they're busy and they'll forget about you if you don't show up regularly.

So, if you remind your readers about your stories, that you do still exist and that you're there to serve them, they'll be significantly more likely to choose your work.

An author without a newsletter going out at least once a month is losing the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with readers and prospective fans. Even if a reader never subscribes to your newsletter, the simple fact that you have one will help validate how serious you are about being in business. A newsletter is like a seat belt; you just need it whether you are traveling half a mile or 3,000.

Keeping in Touch With Your Readers

Do you have news to share with your readers? Do you have a new book coming out? Are you attending a writers' conference? Are you doing an author interview with a blogger or a radio host? What about a book signing?

Keeping in touch with your readers through regular newsletters to share what's happening in your writing life helps build a better bond. It's also a great way to ask them questions so you can better serve them and their needs in the future. What they need can be determined simply by asking, but you won't be able to do that if you don't have a way to connect with them. A newsletter can help you do that.

When readers get to see YOU, they feel a greater connection with you. And when they see your face and they hear your voice, they feel special, like they're an integral part of your writing life (which they are). You need them so you can keep writing stories that they will love.

An important thing to remember when developing and sending your newsletters is that fans love to hear from you, especially if you're a celebrity in their eyes or if you have helpful information to share.

Jody Calkins
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