A Quick Tip to Write Easy-to-Read Content Your Readers Will Thank You For

A Quick Tip to Write Easy-to-Read Content Your Readers Will Thank You For
Photo by Rohan Baumann

A Quick Tip to Write Easy-to-Read Content Your Readers Will Thank You For

We have access to so much information in today's world that, in a matter of minutes or even seconds, we can find an answer to virtually any question. We are also exposed to messages all day long, whether they are advertisements for a weight loss product or calls for help from a charitable organization. Before computers made their way into our households, people tended to focus on their own lives and making a difference in their community. But because of this technology, the ability to impact people's lives all over the world has become greatly accessible. The internet has opened doors of opportunity.

But whatever our purpose, intentions, or reasons are for what we do, we have become a busy nation, and that is why when we write our blog content, marketing copy, or business communications, we need not just to clarify our work, but also to give it the proper structure.

Structure is essential to any written document. Without it, text runs together in large globs that people have a difficult time reading or won't even take the time to read. People have become busy and overwhelmed, and they don't have time to read an article or a how-to guide that is hard to read or that doesn't interest them, especially when they have learned to guard their time.

There is also a set standard for structure. People expect a long letter to be divided into paragraphs; a short story to contain punctuation and a basic three-part structure with conflict and resolution; and a service agreement to be broken out into boldfaced section headings.

When people see a huge glob of text, they rarely read it. The text is difficult to skim because the information isn't broken out into well-thought-out paragraphs or boldface section headings that allow readers to get in and get out with the information they need.

So, how do you make sure you're giving your written document the proper structure?

Use an example or a template of the type of document you want to write. If you are writing a short story, you must know and use the proper structure of a story. That includes breaking out the paragraphs and using separate paragraphs for each line of dialogue. It also includes using proper punctuation and understanding the three-part structure of storytelling. If you are writing a case study or an article, you will need to know how long your paragraphs should be and how to layout the content.

By studying examples of what you are trying to write, you will learn the proper structure. Pair that with instructional guides such as my books How to Write an eBook That Shines or How to Craft a Case Study, and you will be well on your way to writing a document that works effectively.

Learning as much as you can about the type of document you are writing will help the writing process go more smoothly. Then, instead of worrying about the structure, you will be focused on the words to use to share your message. Writing easy-to-read content for your readers is a top priority in today's busy world.

Looking for more writing tips? Join me on Facebook where I share daily writing and editing tips that help you write better and faster. I can't wait to see you there! – https://www.facebook.com/jodycalkinsbiz

Jody Calkins
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