What to Do When Bad Writers Got You Burned Out

What to Do When Bad Writers Got You Burned Out
Photo by Marius Muresan

What to Do When Bad Writers Got You Burned Out

Are you burned out from giving new writers a chance and then having to regret it because you discovered they couldn't perform? Not willing to spend any more money on a new-to-you writer because you've been burned in the past?

I feel your pain and I get what you're saying. You're not willing to stick your neck out again. I get that.

But when it comes to great copy, sometimes you get what you pay for. Good copywriters do not always come cheap. And, unfortunately, some copywriters who charge standard rates aren't that good.

So, now you have a project you need completed but you don't want to spend a lot of money on it. You could hire a cheap writer, but then you would risk wasting your money again. Then what? Then you would have to risk your money on someone else. You could end up throwing money down the drain and spending more than you would if you had just hired the good writer in the first place.

I know you don't want to pay a good copywriter's full fee, so here's an idea to help keep you moving forward:

Start small.

Do you have some material that you would like to have edited or proofread? Maybe it's your biography or a boilerplate letter. Start with a small project for the first assignment. It shouldn't cost that much money.

If you're satisfied with the results and how the writer performed, assign another small project. Do this until you feel comfortable taking that big step to getting your website rewritten or your full-length book edited.

If you start with smaller projects, you'll start to develop a relationship with the writer and you won't have to risk a large sum of money without even knowing if you and your new writer are a good fit.

You could even have the writer start on a section of your whole project. If you like the results, assign another piece of the project. This might prolong the process, but at least you wouldn't be risking hundreds or thousands of dollars upfront.

I don't recommend working with multiple writers at once for the same project, unless it's for a very large project and you would need more than one writer anyway. Instead, give the writer a chance to prove himself and if you work well together, continue the working relationship. If you're not happy, try a different writer and start out small again just like you did with the first one.

The object here is to find that great copywriter you feel comfortable with so that when it comes to completing larger projects, you're not afraid to pay the standard rates.

What was your worst experience with a writer? Please share your comments below. I can't wait to hear from you.

Jody Calkins
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