
4 Ways to Increase Reader Engagement

4 Ways to Increase Reader Engagement

4 Ways to Increase Reader Engagement

We all want readers to devour our written content. We want them to love it so much that they can't get enough of it. We want them to respond and answer our questions and click on our links and well, buy from us when we sell a product. We try to think of clever headlines and interesting questions related to each topic we share, and we obsess over our open and click-through rates.

The trouble a lot of new writers and bloggers have is that they are ego-centric or company-centric. They're focused on what they want out of the deal and not focused enough on what the customer wants. Successful marketing copy is focused on what the customer wants, not on what the owner (or the writer) wants. It makes readers imagine what life would be like with the product that is being sold and it provides a solution that speaks directly to their wants and needs.

So, to increase reader engagement we need to focus on what the reader cares about. Always address their key problems and let them know that they are not alone. That there are other people who struggle with similar problems and care about similar things that they do.

Another way to increase reader engagement is to ask open-ended questions. Encourage readers to respond to a post and give their input. You want to know what keeps them up at night or what makes their blood boil.

Thirdly, give them a call to action. They need you to tell them what their next step is. They're so overwhelmed by all of the options available to them on the internet that in order to capture them as loyal readers and potential buyers, you must direct them. Take them by the hand and guide them to what they should do next. Maybe it is a special report that you think would be helpful to them or maybe it is your latest informational product that will help them move forward in some area of their lives.

The last way to improve engagement that I want to share is to offer something valuable as further reading. Maybe it is another blog post or maybe you have a special report to share like I mentioned in #3. Give them something they can read or do that will help them with where they are at right now.

Doing these four things will help you build relationships with your readers and help them to know, like, and trust you.

One last thing to keep in mind: lead them with baby steps. What small step could your readers take today or this week?


Top Photo Credit: ldigital

Jody Calkins
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