
5 Quick Tips For a Great Autoresponder Series For Your Email List

5 Quick Tips For a Great Autoresponder Series For Your Email List
Photo by Gerd Altmann

5 Quick Tips For a Great Autoresponder Series For Your Email List

Now that we've talked about why you need an autoresponder series for your email list (if you missed last week's post, you can check it out here), let's talk about specific tips on how to write an autoresponder message. Here are five quick tips for writing a great autoresponder series.

Make it Helpful

When thinking of things to share with your readers, consider their urgent, pressing problems. What quick tip can you share that will help them take a tiny step forward? How can you bring light to their lives? How can you be encouraging and inspiring? Focus on writing one tip that will help them move forward.

Make it Personal

Autoresponders are not formal business letters. They are opportunities for you to build a connection with your readers. Readers don't build connections with form letters; they build connections with real people who have real opinions and who geniunely care about their readers.

Make it About Them

Never in marketing should it be about you. When selling a product or service, marketers must focus on what is in it for their customers. What are their needs? How can you help them solve their problems?

Keep it Succinct

How long should your autoresponder messages be? Long enough to share something helpful and to be thoughtful and personal. Share one quick tip and offer a link for more information.

Encourage Connection

Invite your readers to connect with you through Facebook or by reply email. Let them know that you are reachable and approachable. If readers feel that a wall surrounds you and that they aren't good enough to reach out to you, they won't bother, but if you open the lines of communication, you'll have a greater opportunity to connect with your readers.

Maybe you're wondering if you really have valuable content to share with your readers. You are not alone. Sometimes we need this simple reminder: if you offer a product or service that solves a problem, you have valuable content to share.

Next time, I'll be sharing more tips on autoresponders, so stay tuned…

In the meantime, please feel free to share your thoughts on my Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/jodycalkinsbiz. I look forward to talking with you soon!

Jody Calkins
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