
How to Make Sure You’re Getting Your Writing Time In

How to Make Sure You're Getting Your Writing Time In
Photo by Jody Calkins

How to Make Sure You're Getting Your Writing Time In

Getting writing time in can be a bit of a challenge. Our lives are busy. We've got distractions, social commitments, chores, and other obligations. When we do sit down to write, the words don't come out right or our computers seem to hate us. And if we write sporadically throughout the week or month, our momentum is off. So many things can keep us from our writing work.

So, what are some things we can do to make sure we're getting our writing time in?

Priority, Priority, Priority

I cannot say that enough. Writing must be made a priority. Once you've decided on a writing schedule, you either need to stick with it or you need to adjust your schedule. If you can, write every day. That will help you keep the momentum going. Sometimes we need a break from writing, but for the most part, if we can write every day, it will help us create a habit and routine and keep the momentum going.

What's Next

Another way to help us keep the momentum going with our writing is to know what we need to write about next. If we don't know what we're writing next, there's a good possibility we're going to get stuck. I've hit several roadblocks in my novel over the last several months and I've had to go back to the drawing board and work on my scene outline. It's ok to take a break so we can work on plot development. Just be careful that it doesn't become another roadblock that distracts you from writing. Work on regular brainstorming to help keep the creative juices flowing.


It's silly to try to stay up all night to write if you're just sitting at the computer trying not to fall asleep. If you're tired, get some sleep. Set the stage for a better tomorrow by getting the rest you need and give it another shot. Feeling better rested will help your creativity as well.

Also, if you find yourself having difficulty writing during particular times of the day, try to avoid those times, if you can.


Don't get caught up in the amount of progress you're making. Just focus on making progress every day or with each writing session. And if you make great progress one day, don't get discouraged if you have trouble matching it the next day. Any kind of progress is better than no progress at all.

Jody Calkins
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