For the Solo Entrepreneur: What to Do During a Downtime

Originally posted on December 7, 2009 on

  1. Get organized.
  2. Clean your office and create a refreshing space.
  3. Determine ways to improve business performance and operations.
  4. Brainstorm new marketing strategies.
  5. Determine other areas or fields you would like to break into.
  6. Consider adding a service to expand your business or creating another business.
  7. Develop a schedule to keep yourself productive.
  8. Learn/study to improve your marketability.
  9. Keep working.
  10. Create more samples for your portfolio.
  11. Develop case studies and testimonials to promote your business.
  12. Catch up on paperwork (expense report, etc.).

What do you do during a downtime?

About the Author: Jody Calkins is a freelance business writer who writes about business development, risk management, security protection, and business standards. Visit for more information and samples.

Jody Calkins
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